Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 339

background image

You can pause or restart ingest at any time by clicking the Pause button or by pressing

Click to reveal the
current logging bin
in the Browser.

Pause button

Progress bar

Thumbnail Resize slider

Click this button
to automatically transfer
a volume’s clips as soon
as the volume
is mounted.

Reveal Logging Bin: Click this button to reveal the current logging bin in the Browser.

Pause button: This button starts and pauses the processing of clips in the Transfer


Thumbnail Resize slider: Changes the clip icon size in the Queue area.

Automatic Transfer button: Click this button to turn on the automatic transfer of files

when a volume is mounted. When turned on, Final Cut Pro will automatically add the
files on the mounted volume to the Transfer Queue and process them using the current
logging presets and preference settings.


Chapter 22

About the Log and Transfer Window