Clips described by their properties, Clips defined by their relationship to other clips – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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A merged clip is considered offline even if only one of its media files cannot
be found. Reconnecting and recapturing merged clips may take several passes, one for
each file.
A multiclip allows you to sync multiple clips together as angles within a single clip. The
main reason to use a multiclip is to sync multiple camera angles together so you can cut
between them in real time in the Timeline. However, you can sync any footage you want
together in a multiclip, not just different camera angles. For instance, when making a
music video, you could sync three different performances of the band playing and cut
between them on the beat.
Clips Described by Their Properties
In addition to the clip types described above, clips can be further characterized by the
• Relationships to other clips: Master, affiliate, and independent clips
• Connection status to media files: Offline and online clips
• Location in a project: Browser and sequence clips
These clip characteristics can describe any type of clip. For example, clips, subclips, merged
clips, and multiclips can all be offline clips.
Clips Defined by Their Relationship to Other Clips
A master clip is the first instance of a clip imported or captured in Final Cut Pro. Master
clips exist exclusively in the Browser, and they are used to manage multiple instances of
the same footage used throughout your project. This is how it works: each time you edit
a clip into a sequence, Final Cut Pro creates a new instance of that clip. This new sequence
clip is not completely unique and self-sufficient, but actually gets most of its properties
from the master clip it came from. This clip is called an affiliate clip because it shares
properties with its master clip. Because master and affiliate clips share a single set of
properties, changing a property in one place changes it everywhere. For instance, if you
want to change a clip name, it doesn’t matter whether you change the name in the master
clip or any of its affiliate clips. Since they all share the same Name property, all the clips
now have the new name.
Most properties are shared between master and affiliate clips, but there are a few
exceptions. The properties of affiliate clips that aren’t shared (such as In and Out points)
make them useful for editing, while the shared properties (such as Name and Source)
maintain a relationship with the master clip for easier media management. For example,
In and Out points can be different in every affiliate clip so that trimming one clip doesn’t
affect the duration of all the other affiliated ones.
The following properties are not shared between master and affiliate clips:
• Comment A-B
Chapter 89
Elements of a Final Cut Pro Project