Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1075

background image

Note: The x and y coordinates of a clip in the Canvas are based on the offset between
that clip’s center point and the center point of the Canvas. See

“Using Cartesian Geometry

to Position Clips”

for more information.

Now, you want to make this clip rotate to the right rather than to the left.


Delete the minus sign (–) from the Rotation number field, then press the Return key.

The two clips are now
on opposite sides,
rotated differently.

Now that you have all your background layers set up, it’s time to edit in the foreground
clip that’s going to appear in front of these layers.


Using the same sequence In and Out points that you’ve been using, set the destination
track of your sequence to V3, then edit in the foreground clip using a superimpose edit.

The fourth clip is now
in your sequence.


Open this new clip in the Viewer, then click the Motion tab.


Chapter 66

Changing Motion Parameters