Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 742

A green bar appears above either or both sides of the edit to show you what kind of
trimming operation you’re performing.
Trim the edit point by doing any of the following:
• Click the trim buttons or use their keyboard equivalents to trim to the left or right using
the displayed frame increments.
• To trim backward or forward one frame: Press Left Bracket ([) or Right Bracket (]).
• To trim backward or forward five frames: Press Shift-Left Bracket ([) or Shift-Right
Bracket (]). The number of frames to trim can be customized with the Multi-Frame
Trim Size setting in the Editing tab of User Preferences. For more information, see
“Choosing Settings and Preferences.”
• Type a plus sign (+) or a minus sign (-) and the number of frames to add or subtract,
then press Return.
• Drag an edit marker in the scrubber bar to a new point in the outgoing or incoming
• Use the jog and shuttle controls to move the playhead within the outgoing or the
incoming clip. Then set a new Out point for the outgoing clip by pressing O or a new
In point for the incoming clip by pressing I.
• Use the playback controls to play the clip. Set a new Out point for the outgoing clip or
a new In point for the incoming clip.
• Use the J, K, and L keys to shuttle the playhead on either side of the edit point (you
choose which side by positioning the pointer there). As you move the pointer between
the left and right sides of the Trim Edit window, the left and right Play buttons become
highlighted. Don’t click, or you’ll change the selected trim operation.
Press L to move forward, press J to reverse playback, and press K to stop. Press J or L
repeatedly to speed up and slow down playback. Press K and either L or J together to
perform slow-motion playback.
If the Dynamic Trimming checkbox is selected, the selected edit point moves to the
new position of the playhead whenever you stop playback.
For all the above trimming methods, the In Shift and Out Shift fields show the total number
of frames that have been modified. The sequence and playhead in the Timeline
automatically update to reflect your changes.
Review your edit.
“Reviewing and Playing Back Your Edits in the Trim Edit Window.”
To trim another edit point in the same track, use the Go to Previous Edit and Go to Next
Edit buttons to move to another edit point and display it in the Trim Edit window.
You can also select one or more edit points in the Timeline, and then go back to the Trim
Edit window to perform additional trim operations.
Chapter 46
Trimming Clips Using the Trim Edit Window