Clips defined by media file connection, Clips defined by location in project, Sequences – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1512

background image

• In point

• Out point

• Duration

• Description

• Film Safe

• Composite mode

• Reverse Alpha

• Thumbnail

An independent clip is a sequence clip that has no master clip, so it doesn’t share properties
with any other clips. You can make a sequence clip independent at any time, although
you usually shouldn’t unless you have a specific reason to do so. Independent clips are
not updated by a master clip, so you can’t manage your media as efficiently.

Clips Defined by Media File Connection

An offline clip is any clip whose media file cannot be located, or whose Source property
is empty. When you first log clips, they are offline clips because they have no associated
media files. If the modification date of a clip’s media file changes in the Finder, or if you
delete a clip’s media file, the clip becomes an offline clip until you reconnect it.

Clips Defined by Location in Project

A Browser clip is any clip which appears in the Browser. These are typically master clips,
although they can also be affiliate clips.

A sequence clip is one or more clip items in a sequence. These are typically affiliate clips
whose master clips reside in the Browser. In some cases, sequence clips are independent,
meaning they have no master clips or other affiliated clips. You can distinguish a sequence
clip from a Browser clip when you open it in the Viewer. The row of dots (sprocket holes)
that appears in the scrubber bar of the Viewer indicates that the clip is a sequence clip.


A sequence contains one or more video and audio tracks, which are empty when first
created. When you edit a clip into a sequence, you copy the clip’s individual clip items to
tracks in the sequence. For example, if you drag a clip that contains one video and two
audio clip items to the Timeline, a video clip item is placed in a video track in the Timeline,
and two audio clip items are placed in two audio tracks. In a sequence, you can move
any clip item to any track, allowing you to edit and arrange the contents of your media
files however you want. Clip items in a sequence (sometimes referred to as sequence clips)
are usually affiliate clips, and are often distinguished from clips in the Browser (Browser
clips), which are usually master clips.


Chapter 89

Elements of a Final Cut Pro Project