Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 901

Note: Instead of using the mouse to adjust your faders, you can also use a supported
control surface to adjust multiple faders and panning sliders simultaneously.
Keyframe recording continues as long as the mouse button is held down, so it’s best to
mix groups of short, consecutive clips in a track all at once. For example, suppose you’ve
edited a dialogue sequence with multiple angles of coverage so that the dialogue spoken
by a single character is broken up into six different clips on tracks A1 and A2.
Because each clip has its own independent audio levels, to use the Audio Mixer to set
the levels for the entire group, you need to keep the mouse button held down
continuously to record keyframes as you play back all six clips. If you stop halfway through
clip 4, the audio level overlays for these clips look like this:
This is because no fader movement was detected in either clip 5 or clip 6, so the levels
were not adjusted for these clips. If this happens, it’s easy to move the playhead back to
the beginning of the section you’re working on and record any additional keyframes.
When you release the mouse button, keyframe recording ends and the fader for that
track goes back to displaying the previously set levels. The same rules apply to recording
pan information.
If the Record Audio Keyframes button is not selected, no keyframes are
recorded when you move faders or panning sliders. However, you can still modify
keyframes and levels between any two keyframes.
Chapter 56
Using the Audio Mixer