Key filters – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1051

Allows you to adjust the amounts of red, green, and blue in a clip
independently. Select whether this filter affects the highlights (bright
areas), midtones, or shadows (dark areas) of your clip. Color balance
can be used to correct for inaccurate white balance on video footage
or to create color effects.
Color Balance
Removes color from a clip by the specified amount. 100 percent
desaturation results in a grayscale image.
Changes the gamma of a clip by the specified amount. This filter
can be used to pull detail out of underexposed footage or to bring
overexposed footage down without washing out your clip.
Gamma Correction
Works similarly to the Gamma Correction filter, but allows for greater
control. You can specify a particular alpha or color channel of your
clip. Use the Input, Input Tolerance, Gamma, Output, and Output
Tolerance sliders to change the effect.
Simulates the controls available on a composite video processing
amplifier (proc amp). This filter gives you excellent control over the
black levels, white levels, chroma, and phase of your clip. The Setup
slider lets you adjust the black level of your clip. The Video slider
lets you adjust the white level. The Chroma slider allows you to cut
or boost the levels of color in your clip, and the Phase Angle control
lets you adjust the hue.
Proc Amp
Tints the clip with a sepia color by default. You can adjust the
amount of tint and the brightness of tint using the Amount and
Highlight sliders. You can also select another color with the Tint
Color controls.
Tints the clip with the specified color. Only the amount of tinting
is adjustable with this filter.
1 Works in 32-bit floating point if your sequence is set for high-precision rendering in the Video Processing tab of the
Sequence Settings window.
Key Filters
Key filters are generally used to key out background areas of video in order to isolate
foreground elements to composite against a different background. Key filters are
commonly used with the Matte Choker filter. For detailed information on applying these
filters, see
Chapter 65
Video Filters Available in Final Cut Pro