Working with projects, clips, and sequences, Specifying preferences before you start editing, Working with projects, clips, and – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 427: Sequences, Tion, see, Working with projects, Clips, and sequences

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This chapter covers the following:

Specifying Preferences Before You Start Editing

(p. 427)

Working with Projects

(p. 428)

Learning About the Different Types of Clips

(p. 431)

Viewing and Changing the Properties of a Clip

(p. 434)

Creating and Working with Sequences

(p. 437)

A project file contains everything you need to make your completed movie: clips, bins
to organize clips, and sequences to arrange your clips into a finished movie.

Specifying Preferences Before You Start Editing

You may want to set the following general preferences before you start editing in
Final Cut Pro. The following preferences are found in the General tab of the User
Preferences window. To view them, choose Final Cut Pro > User Preferences, then click
the General tab. (For a complete description of preferences, see

“Choosing Settings and



Levels of Undo: This specifies the number of actions that can be undone (up to 99). The

default is 10. The more levels of Undo you specify, the more memory is required.

Prompt for settings on New Sequence: By default, this option is turned off and new

sequences use the sequence settings specified in the current Easy Setup. If you turn
on this option, when you create a new sequence, a message asks you to choose a
sequence preset.

Autosave Vault: Several autosave options let Final Cut Pro automatically save backup

copies of your opened projects at regular intervals while you work. (Your original project
files aren’t touched until you use the Save command.) You can specify how often to
save, along with the number of backup copies saved for each project. For more
information, see

“Backing Up and Restoring Projects.”


Working with Projects, Clips, and