Revealing a clip’s media file in the finder, Consolidating media files to one folder – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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• Audio Render Files

Final Cut Pro uses the Capture Scratch folder to store captured media files. However, it is
still one level deeper in the hierarchy than you may expect. Within the Capture Scratch
folder, Final Cut Pro creates a folder named after the project that contains the currently
selected capture bin.

For example, if you chose a scratch disk named Media, and if you are currently capturing
clips for a project named Hard to Trace, your captured media files are stored here:

/Volumes/Media/Capture Scratch/Hard to Trace/

Note: Because you can select up to 12 scratch disk folder locations, you may have to look
in several locations before you can find the disk that contains your media. However, this
is only an issue if you have the Video Capture checkbox selected for more than one scratch
disk folder in the Scratch Disks tab of the System Settings window.

To summarize, captured media files aren’t stored directly in the folder you choose as a
scratch disk folder. Instead, they are stored two levels deeper, in a folder named after the
project, inside the Capture Scratch folder.


A very common mistake is to select a folder named Capture Scratch in the

Scratch Disks tab. On the surface, it seems like the right thing to do, but make sure you
don’t. Instead of selecting a Capture Scratch folder, select the parent folder of the Capture
Scratch folder. Never select the Capture Scratch folder itself; if you do, your media files
will be stored in the following location: /Volumes/Disk Name/Capture Scratch/Capture
Scratch/Project Name/.

Revealing a Clip’s Media File in the Finder

The fastest way to find a media file is to use the corresponding clip in the Browser.

To reveal a clip’s media file in the Finder


Select a clip in the Browser or Timeline.


Do one of the following:

• Choose View > Reveal in Finder.

• Control-click the clip, then choose Reveal in Finder from the shortcut menu.

Consolidating Media Files to One Folder

If you save a project with a new name part way through the capture process, media files
captured after the project is renamed are stored in a new folder. For example: You originally
captured some clips in a project called Hard to Trace, but at some point you renamed
your project Hard to Trace Version 2 and then resumed capturing clips. In this case, clips
captured before the project name change are stored here:

/Volumes/Media/Capture Scratch/Hard to Trace/


Chapter 92

Reconnecting Clips and Offline Media