Stage 3: editing at 23.98 fps – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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If you have already captured your video at 29.97 fps, you can remove duplicate fields
from your media file after capture.

To remove 2:3:3:2 advanced pull-down from your media files after capture


Select the 29.97 fps clips in the Browser, then choose Tools > Remove Advanced Pulldown.

Your media files remain the same size, but they are set to play back at 23.98 fps. If no
advanced pull-down flags are detected, the media file remains at 29.97 fps.

Stage 3:

Editing at 23.98 fps

You can edit your footage in a 23.98 fps sequence. To preview your video on an external
NTSC monitor while you are editing, you can choose one of several pull-down options
to convert the 23.98 fps video to 29.97 fps. The 2:2:2:4 option is the least
processor-intensive, but it should only be used for previewing.

For more information about real-time pull-down options, see

“Using RT Extreme.”

Stage 4:

Outputting to 29.97 fps Video with Advanced Pull-Down

After you finish editing your movie, you can output back to 29.97 fps NTSC video by
introducing a pull-down pattern on the FireWire output. You can choose one of several
pull-down patterns, either from the RT pop-up menu in the Timeline or in the Playback
Control tab of the System Settings window. For output back to tape, you should choose
advanced pull-down (2:3:3:2), or normal telecine pull-down (2:3:2:3).

You can also export your movie to a 23.98 fps QuickTime movie or image sequence for
delivery to a video-to-film transfer lab.


Appendix D

Working with 24p Video