Example: fixing awkward audio cuts in the timeline – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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background image

• Press F10.

The section of unwanted
audio is replaced with
room tone.

Example: Fixing Awkward Audio Cuts in the Timeline

Once you’ve edited a group of clips into a sequence in the Timeline, you can adjust the
edit points between audio items without affecting their corresponding video items. To
do so, you turn off linked selection. For example, suppose you’re cutting between two
people having a conversation. The first person says something, and then the second
person pauses for a moment and replies. It might look something like this:

Second clip
starts quietly.

Audio in first clip

gets cut off.

The timing of the video is what you wanted, but as the audio waveform shows, the last
syllable of the last word of dialogue in the first shot gets cut off, which sounds awkward.
To fix this, you can create a small split edit in the Timeline. (A split edit has different video
and audio In and Out points. See

“Split Edits.”


To fix an awkward audio cut in the Timeline


Turn off linked selection by doing one of the following:

• Click the Linked Selection button (or press Shift-L) so that it’s off.

For more information, see

“Linking Video and Audio Clip Items.”

• Click the edit point between the two audio items while holding down the Option key.


Chapter 43

Audio Editing Basics