Split edit – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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SOT (sound on tape) Audio recorded on analog or digital video formats (audio and

sound bite Typically a short excerpt from an interview clip, as used on news shows.

sound effects Specific audio material, such as the sound of a door closing or a dog
barking, from effects libraries or from clips you recorded. Sound effects can be used to
replace sounds in the location audio of a program, or to add sound that wasn’t originally

sound recordist The individual on a film or video crew responsible for setting up the
audio recording equipment and for setting the levels and managing the audio recording
during a shoot.

soundtrack The audio that accompanies a program’s video.

Soundtrack Pro Audio File Project Also called an .stap file. This is the native file format
used by the Soundtrack Pro File Editor. Data is actually stored in a special Mac OS X format
called a package (or bundle). A Mac OS X package appears to be a single file in the Finder
but actually contains a collection of files such as the original audio file, temporary render
files, and the list of actions applied to your audio file.

Soundtrack Pro Multitrack Project Also called an .stmp file. This is the multitrack project
file format in Soundtrack Pro. As with Final Cut Pro project files, clip and Timeline
information is stored in the project file, and clips refer to media files stored elsewhere.

source media files The original files recorded on disk when ingesting tape-based media
or file-based media. The clips you use in Final Cut Pro are pointers that represent your
media files, but changes made to clips within Final Cut Pro do not affect the media files
on disk.

source monitor In a linear editing suite, a monitor that displays source tapes before
recording them to the master tape. In Final Cut Pro, the Viewer acts as the source monitor.

source tape The video and audio tapes that were originally recorded during a shoot.
Media files are captured from the source tapes, edited, and ultimately output to a final
master tape.

special effects Visual effects applied to clips and sequences, such as motion effects,
layering, and filters.

speed indicators Tick marks that display the speed of clips in a sequence. The spacing
and color of these tick marks indicate the speed and playback direction of the clips.

split edit An edit in which either the video or the audio portion of a clip ends up being
longer than the other; for example, when the sound is longer than the video at the head
of the clip, so it is heard before the video appears. Also referred to as an L-cut or J-cut.

