Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 458

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The Project Properties dialog appears.

Use text fields to confirm
or modify text labels.

You can change
the Comment column
headings shown
in the Browser.

Choose a time display

Select or deselect marker
visibility checkboxes.


In the Marker Visibility section, do any of the following:

• Use the checkboxes to turn on or off the visibility of markers of a particular


• Use the text fields to confirm or modify the text label for a particular marker



Click OK.

Markers will appear or be hidden based on your settings. Any marker color label
information that you entered will be exported with other marker data when you export
a markers list as text using the Export Markers Lists as Text feature.

Note: Marker color labels are also visible as tooltips in the Edit Marker dialog.

Note: Marker color labels are project-specific. Unless you set up a Final Cut Pro project
to use as a template, you will have to reenter any custom label settings for each new
project. In User Preferences, you can set Final Cut Pro to automatically remind you to
enter project settings for each new project. See

“Viewing and Changing the Properties

of a Project”

for more information.


Chapter 32

Using Markers