Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1980

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scratch disk The disk or disk space you allocate in Final Cut Pro for digital video ingest
and editing, as well as for the storage of a project’s render files.

script A set of instructions that performs a specific function, similar to programming.
FXScript allows you to create custom scripts for use in Final Cut Pro. You can use FXscript
to create custom filters, transitions, and generators.

scrub To move through a clip or sequence with the aid of the playhead. Scrubbing is
used to find a particular point or frame.

scrubber bar The bar at the bottom of the Viewer and the Canvas. You can speed up or
slow down playback in forward or reverse by moving the playhead along the scrubber

Scrub tool A tool used to scrub through clips displayed when the Browser is in icon view.

SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire) The French television standard for playback.
Similar to PAL, the playback rate is 25 fps and the frame size is 720 x 576.

Selection tool In Final Cut Pro, the default arrow-shaped pointer that allows you to select
items in the interface. For example, you use it to select a clip or edit point. You can select
the Selection tool by pressing the A key.

sequence An arranged series of video, audio, and graphics clips, edit information, and
effects edited together to create a program. A sequence can contain your entire edited
program or be limited to a single scene. Sequences can also be edited into other
sequences, referred to as nested sequences.

sequence clip A clip that has been edited into a sequence. A sequence clip is typically
an affiliate clip. See also

master clip


SGI An uncompressed image file format popular on the IRIX operating system on SGI
workstations. Stores images with millions of colors plus an alpha channel.

shortcut menu A menu you access by holding down the Control key and clicking an
item on the screen, or by pressing the right mouse button. Sometimes called a contextual

shot A segment of uninterrupted captured video. A shot is the smallest unit of a program.

shuffle edit An edit in which a clip is moved from one position in an edited sequence to
another by insertion. All clips between these two positions are moved to the left or right
to fill the space left by the clip you moved. The shuffled clips don’t change their duration,
so the overall duration of your sequence is not affected.

