Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1406

The Match Color indicator fills with this color to let you know it’s been selected, and either
the Whites, Mids, or Blacks Auto-Balance eyedropper is highlighted to let you know which
Auto-Balance eyedropper you should use in the next step.
Highlighted eyedropper
Match Color indicator
When selecting a match color, the level of the color you select affects how well the match
works. When matching flesh tones, choosing a highlight generally gives the best results,
but in certain circumstances you may achieve better results by choosing a midtone or
Note: When selecting a highlight, make sure that the highlight you select is not
overexposed (for example, a reflection or surface with excessive shine), but rather
represents the lightest area of the actor’s face that accurately represents the skin tone.
Now, in the Color Corrector 3-way tab in the Viewer, click the highlighted Whites
Auto-Balance eyedropper.
Click the Whites
The Auto-Balance eyedropper that is highlighted depends on what you selected as your
match color. If you selected a highlight, as in this example, the Whites Auto-Balance
eyedropper is highlighted, letting you know that it’s the appropriate eyedropper tool to
use. If you selected a shadow, however, the Blacks Auto-Balance eyedropper is highlighted.
Note: In general, it’s always a good idea to start by picking a match color that will highlight
either the Whites or Blacks Auto-Balance eyedropper, and make this adjustment first.
Adjust the midtones afterward, if it’s necessary to achieve the look you want.
Chapter 82
Color Correction Examples