Working with motion and shake, Using motion with final cut pro, Importing a motion project into final cut pro – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1281

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This chapter covers the following:

Using Motion with Final Cut Pro

(p. 1281)

Using Shake with Final Cut Pro

(p. 1286)

You can add Motion projects directly to sequences in Final Cut Pro and send Final Cut Pro
sequence clips directly to a new Timeline in Motion.

Using Motion with Final Cut Pro

Integration between Motion and Final Cut Pro allows you to do the following.

Import Motion projects into Final Cut Pro: You can add motion graphics created in Motion

directly to your Final Cut Pro sequence without rendering.

Update embedded Motion projects in Final Cut Pro: You can immediately see changes

to a Motion project in your Final Cut Pro sequence.

Send Final Cut Pro clips or sequences to Motion: You can create new Motion projects

based on a selection of clips or a sequence in Final Cut Pro. You can use this feature to
sketch a motion graphics sequence in Final Cut Pro and then refine it in Motion. The
new Motion project can then be embedded in your Final Cut Pro sequence.

Note: Motion can import audio included in a Final Cut Pro project, but audio in a Motion
project does not appear in Final Cut Pro.

Importing a Motion Project into Final Cut Pro

You can import Motion projects into Final Cut Pro to quickly add motion graphics, title
sequences, and animations to your sequence.

To import a Motion project into Final Cut Pro
Do one of the following:


Drag the Motion project from the Finder to the Final Cut Pro Browser or Timeline.


Choose File > Import > Files, then select the Motion project in the dialog that appears
and click Choose.


Working with Motion and Shake