Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 924

The pointer turns into an Adjust Line Segment pointer.
Adjust Line Segment
Drag the overlay up or down to change the level of the clip.
As you drag, a box displays the new audio level.
Tip: Hold down the Command key while you drag to “gear down” the speed at which
the level is adjusted.
To adjust the audio level by using the Modify menu
Select one or more clips in the Timeline, or place the Canvas or Timeline playhead over
the clip whose audio level you want to modify.
Choose Modify > Audio, then choose one of the Gain items from the submenu to indicate
how much you want to modify the level.
The audio level of your clip is increased or decreased from its current value by the
increment you choose. If you selected multiple clips, all clips are modified relative to their
current values.
To adjust the audio level by using keyboard shortcuts
Select one or more clips in the Timeline, or place the Canvas or Timeline playhead over
the clip whose audio level you want to modify.
Do one of the following:
• To raise the level by 1 dB: Press Control–Equal Sign (=).
• To raise the level by 3 dB: Press Control–Right Bracket (]).
• To lower the level by 3 dB: Press Control–Left Bracket ([).
• To lower the level by 1 dB: Press Control-Hyphen (-).
The audio level of your clip is increased or decreased from its current value by the
increment of the keyboard shortcut you used. If you selected multiple clips, all clips are
modified relative to their current values.
Chapter 57
Mixing Audio in the Timeline and Viewer