Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 429

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Choose or enter your options, then click OK.

Use text fields to confirm
or modify text labels.

You can change
the Comment column
headings shown
in the Browser.

Choose a time display

Select or deselect marker
visibility checkboxes.

Time Display: Choose a global time display option for all clips in your project. Options

include timecode, feet + frames, and frames.

For details, see

“Working with Timecode.”

Reset Time Display checkbox: This is a global checkbox that updates the time display

option for all clips in your project. If this option is selected, all clips in your project are
updated to the timecode display option you chose in the Time Display pop-up menu.
This overrides custom time display options in individual clips in your project.

Default Film Standard pop-up menu: If you are editing film using Final Cut Pro, you can

choose the format of your film here. For more information, see the documentation that
came with Cinema Tools.

Time Mode pop-up menu: Choose whether all clips in the active project are displayed

in source time or clip time.

View Native Speed: This is a global checkbox that changes the time display of all clips

in your project.

Comment Column Headings: This allows you to customize the four Master Comment

property names in the active project. For example, you can change “Master Comment
1” to “Director’s Notes.”

Note: You can change the name of a Master Comment column, but when you export
this data (or reimport it into Final Cut Pro), the column will always retain its original
name; for example, “Master Comment 1.”

Marker Visibility: Use the checkboxes to enable or disable the visibility of markers of a

particular color. Use the text fields to confirm or modify the text label for a particular
marker color/category.

For more information about marker visibility and labels, see

“Marker Color Labels”


Chapter 30

Working with Projects, Clips, and Sequences