Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1387

background image

Now you’re ready to begin adjusting the image.

Choose All so that
all video scopes are
available for you to use.


Click the Auto Contrast button to maximize the range from white to black in your clip.

Auto Contrast button

The Whites and Blacks sliders automatically adjust themselves to achieve the best numeric
distribution based on the luma levels shown in the Histogram. This gives you a starting
point from which to proceed.


Because the image is underexposed, adjust the Mids slider to bring more detail out of
the shadows.

Moving the Mids slider to the right moves the distribution of midtones farther to the
right, as you can see in the Histogram. Lightening this shot using the Mids slider, as
opposed to readjusting the whites, allows you to preserve the maximum amount of
available detail in the image. Otherwise, boosting the whites might result in the lighter
areas of your clip being blown out.

The Histogram reflects the

change in midtone levels.

The Waveform Monitor
reflects, the change
in midtones.


Chapter 82

Color Correction Examples