Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1826

background image

The example below shows a sequence that contains two instances of clip A, where ten
of the frames from Clip A are used twice.

The same ten frames
from the same media
file are used here...

...and here.

When the handle
threshold is less than
or equal to ten, the
duplicate frames
are displayed.

When handle threshold
is greater than ten, the
duplicate frames are
not indicated.

Imported Still/Video Gamma

Gamma Level: This pop-up menu determines the default gamma setting for supported

still images and graphics that you import. During playback, Final Cut Pro uses this
gamma setting to determine whether gamma correction should be applied to the clip.
For more information, see

“Rendering and Video Processing Settings.”

BWF Import

NTSC Default Timecode: This pop-up menu determines the default timecode mode

(drop frame or non-drop frame) for imported Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) files with
an NTSC-related sample rate. For more information, see

“Importing Media Files into

Your Project.”


Chapter 111

Choosing Settings and Preferences