Using share with chapter markers, Exporting groups of clips and sequences with share – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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• Media between a clip’s or a sequence’s In and Out points
Share always respects any In and Out points.
For information about group selections, see
Using Share with Chapter Markers
Share supports chapter markers for all output formats and devices. You can add chapter
markers to sequences and clips in Final Cut Pro and all output media files will include the
corresponding chapter markers. For information on adding chapter markers in
Final Cut Pro, see
“Exporting QuickTime Movies,” “Exporting Sequences for DVD,”
Additionally, you can have Share automatically insert chapter markers between the clips
and sequences in a multiple selection. (This option is available only when you choose to
combine multiple sources into one source.) For more information, see
“Exporting a Single Output from a Group Selection.”
Exporting Groups of Clips and Sequences with Share
You can export groups of clips or sequences with Share.
To export a group of clips or sequences using Share
In Final Cut Pro, make a multiple selection by doing any of the following, in any
• Select two or more Browser clips or sequences, or both.
• Select one or more bins containing multiple clips or sequences.
for more information on the possible types of selections.
Group selections have the following restrictions:
• If a group selection has items with varying frame sizes, the frame size of the first item
in the selection is applied to all items in the group.
• If you select “Combine sources into one source” in the Multiple Sources dialog:
• All items in a multiple-sequence selection must have the same frame rate (timebase).
• Multiple-clip selections can have differing frame rates, but in that case, the output
media file will have the frame rate of the first clip in the selection.
Choose File > Share.
The Multiple Sources dialog opens with the default setting “Export as separate sources”
Although this particular workflow does not require it, you can see more information about
the options in the Multiple Sources dialog in
“About the Multiple Sources Dialog.”
Click OK.
Chapter 104
Using Share