Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1399

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To color correct a three-shot sequence


Apply the appropriate color correction filter to all the shots in the sequence.

This makes it easy to use the Copy Filter controls to copy filter settings from one clip to
another as you make your adjustments.


Choose Window > Arrange > Multiple Edits to select the Multiple Edits window layout.

This is a useful layout for comparing multiple clips in a scene.

Multiple Edits layout


Choose Open from the Playhead Sync pop-up menu in the Viewer or Canvas (choosing
an option from the pop-up menu in either window sets both to the same playhead sync

This way, whichever clip is at the position of the playhead is automatically opened in the
Viewer. If all three clips have color correction filters applied to them and a Color Corrector
or Color Corrector 3-way tab is selected in the Viewer, the Viewer always displays the
color correction filter for the clip at the current position of the playhead.

Note: For more information about the Playhead Sync pop-up menu, see

“Matching Frames

and Playhead Synchronization.”


In the Timeline, move the playhead to the first clip of the scene (for this example, the
master shot) to open it in the Viewer. (With the Playhead Sync pop-up menu set to Open,
the clip automatically opens in the Viewer.) Then click the color correction tab in the
Viewer to show the visual controls for that clip’s color correction filter.


Chapter 82

Color Correction Examples