Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1957

alpha channel An image channel in addition to the R, G, and B color channels that is
used to store transparency information for compositing. Alpha channels are often 8-bit,
but some applications support 16-bit alpha channels. In Final Cut Pro, black represents
100 percent transparency, and white represents 100 percent opacity. Only certain formats,
such as Targa, TIFF, PICT, and the QuickTime Animation codec, support alpha channels.
ambience A type of sound. Ambient audio includes background room noise, traffic noise,
and atmospheric sound effects.
analog A signal that consists of a constantly varying voltage level, called a waveform,
that represents video and audio information. Analog signals must be digitized, or captured,
for use by Final Cut Pro. VHS and Betacam SP are both analog tape formats. See also
anamorphic Visuals that are shot in a widescreen format and then squeezed into a
4:3 frame size. This can be done by using a video camera’s electronics or it can be done
optically, by using an anamorphic lens.
anchor item When you first link multiple audio clip items to a video item in the Timeline,
that video item is considered the “anchor” item to which the sync of all other linked audio
items is compared. If you’re linking a group of audio items without a video item, the
topmost audio item that appears in the Timeline acts as the anchor item.
anchor point In the Motion tab, the point that is used to center changes to a clip’s
geometry when using motion effects. Any changes to the size, position, and rotation of
a clip happen relative to this anchor point. A clip’s anchor point does not have to be at
its center.
Angle control A control used to rotate a clip around its center axis without changing its
shape. Located in the Motion tab of the Viewer. In the Angle control, the black hand
indicates the current angle of the clip, and the small red hand indicates how many total
rotations forward or backward have been specified.
A-only edit An edit of the audio files or video files of the base track only.
A-roll edit An edit of clips that contain audio data from the base track or a narration.
aspect ratio A film or video frame’s width-to-height ratio on any viewing screen. The
most common aspect ratio is 4:3, used for regular television screens. An aspect ratio of
16:9 is increasingly used for high definition video. See also
assemble edit mode In linear systems, assemble edit mode lays down new video, audio,
and control tracks all at once. It usually requires anywhere from 3 to 5 seconds of pre-roll
before you edit to tape. In Final Cut Pro, assemble edit mode is a function that writes the
sequence or clip to tape at the designated In point, or at the current point. Assemble edit
mode usually breaks the timecode and control track at the end of the edit.