Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 432

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Clip item: Clips edited into a sequence are distributed to individual tracks as clip items.

For example, when you edit a clip with one video and two audio items into the Timeline,
the sequence contains one video clip item and two audio clip items, each on a separate
track. Since these clip items came from the same clip in the Browser, they are
automatically linked together. Linking clip items together keeps them in sync while
you edit.

Master clip: When you log, capture, or import a media file into Final Cut Pro, a master

clip is created. Master clips exist exclusively in the Browser, and they are used to manage
and reconnect multiple instances of the same footage used throughout your project.
Master clips have a number of clip properties that are shared among any copies (referred
to as affiliates) of the clip. This allows you to reconnect or change the properties of
many affiliate clips at once by changing the properties in the master clip or just one of
the affiliate clips. For more information, see

“Working with Master and Affiliate Clips.”

Affiliate clip: Any clip derived from a master clip in the Browser. Each time you edit a

clip into a sequence, Final Cut Pro creates a new instance of that clip, called an affiliate
because it shares properties with its master clip. This new sequence clip gets most
of its properties from the master clip.

Subclip: A clip created to represent a limited portion of a media file. By artificially limiting

the duration of a media file, a subclip allows you to work with smaller sections of a
media file. These subclip limits can be removed at any time so you can work with the
whole clip. For example, if an original media file is 10 minutes long, the Browser clip is
also 10 minutes long. You can make a 1-minute subclip and work with the subclip as
if the media were only 1 minute long. For more information, see

“Creating Subclips.”

Subclip Parent: A clip from which a subclip has been made. Final Cut Pro provides

commands that allow you to quickly view the subclip parent of a clip in a sequence.
For more information, see

“Creating Subclips.”

Merged clip: A clip that refers to more than one media file at once. A merged clip can

refer to one video file and up to 24 separate audio files. You need to merge a video
clip with audio clips if you record picture and sound to separate devices during
production. For more information, see

“Merging Clips from Dual System Video and


Multiclip: Multiple clips synced together, in parallel, within a single clip. The main reason

to use a multiclip is to edit multicamera footage in real time. You can sync together
any footage you want in a multiclip, not just different camera angles. For instance,
when making a music video, you could sync three different performances of the band
playing and cut between them on the beat.


Chapter 30

Working with Projects, Clips, and Sequences