Finding a clip’s master clip, Working with affiliate clips – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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Choose Edit > Item Properties > Logging Info.
If there’s a checkmark by the Master Clip property, the clip is a master clip.
Creating a Master Clip by Duplicating a Master Clip
You can intentionally duplicate a master clip to create a new, unrelated master clip, which
will then have its own affiliate clips. However, you should do this sparingly because the
main reason for a master clip is to have only one clip per project that represents a media
file on disk.
To create a new master clip by duplicating a master clip
Do one of the following:
Select a master clip in the Browser, then choose Modify > Duplicate as New Master Clip.
Control-click any master clip in the Browser, then choose Duplicate as New Master Clip
from the shortcut menu.
The clip is duplicated, and the new clip is an unrelated master clip.
Finding a Clip’s Master Clip
Using the Reveal Master Clip command, you can identify the master clip of any clip in
your project.
To find a clip’s master clip
In the Browser or Timeline, select an affiliate clip. If the Timeline is active but no clip is
selected, the clip at the position of the playhead acts as the selected clip.
Choose View > Reveal Master Clip.
The master clip is automatically selected in the Browser, but the way the master clip is
revealed depends on whether the Browser is in column view or icon view.
• If the Browser is in column view: All necessary bins are opened hierarchically via their
disclosure triangles to reveal the highlighted master clip.
• If the Browser is in icon view: The bin containing the clip is opened in its own Browser
window, and the master clip is highlighted.
Note: If the clip’s master clip doesn’t reside in any of the project’s bins, Final Cut Pro asks
if you want to create one. Click OK to create a new master clip. The new master clip is
selected in the Browser.
Working with Affiliate Clips
As you edit in Final Cut Pro, you create affiliate clips in any of the following ways:
• Edit a clip into a sequence: Whenever you edit a clip into a sequence, an affiliate clip is
created from the master clip.
Chapter 90
Working with Master and Affiliate Clips