Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 330

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To open the Log and Transfer window


Choose File > Log and Transfer (or press Command-Shift-8).

Preview area

Logging area

Transfer Queue area

Note: The illustrations in this chapter show examples of the Log and Transfer window
ingesting P2 footage. The window may display slightly different features when ingesting
other video formats.

To resize areas in the Log and Transfer window
Do one of the following:


Drag a horizontal or vertical resize bar.


Double-click a horizontal or vertical resize bar to make the area disappear (or reappear if
it is already hidden).

Note: If you drag resize bars near the edge of the window, one or more areas may be
hidden, but the resize bars always remain visible.

Horizontal resize bar

Vertical resize bar and
Resize pointer


Chapter 22

About the Log and Transfer Window