Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 826

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It is not a good idea to choose a video frame rate (timebase) that is different

from the timecode rate for your sequence unless you have a good reason.

To adjust the starting timecode number of a sequence


Select a sequence in the Browser, or make a sequence active by clicking the sequence’s
tab in the Canvas or Timeline.


Choose Sequence > Settings.


In the Sequence Settings window, click the Timeline Options tab.


Type a new timecode number in the Starting Timecode field.


Click OK.

In special editing scenarios, the video frame rate (timebase) and timecode rate of a
sequence need to be different. For example, if you are editing 24 @ 25 film-to-PAL video,
you use a sequence with a video frame rate of 24 fps with a timecode track modified to
25 fps.

For more information about the 24 @ 25 PAL editing process, see

“Working with 24 @

25 fps Timecode.”

To create a sequence preset in which the video frame rate (timebase) and timecode
rate are different


Choose Final Cut Pro > Audio/Video Settings.


Click the Sequence Presets tab.


In the list of presets, click the unlocked sequence preset you want to modify.


Click the Edit button to edit the selected preset, or click the Duplicate button to edit a
new copy of the selected sequence preset.

The sequence video frame rate (timebase) and timecode rate can now be set in the
Sequence Preset Editor window. By default, the timecode rate matches the video frame
rate, as indicated by the Same As Editing Timebase option in the Timecode Rate popup


Choose a video frame rate from the Editing Timebase pop-up menu.


Choose a timecode rate from the Timecode Rate pop-up menu.

Note: Not all timecode rates are available for all video frame rates (timebases).


Click OK to accept the changes, then click OK again to close the Audio/Video Settings

The new sequence preset can be applied to existing sequences or used in Easy Setups.

If you already have a sequence for which you’d like to modify the timecode rate, you can
also use the Modify Timecode dialog. However, it’s usually best to alter the timecode rate
of a sequence before you begin editing with it.


Chapter 51

Working with Timecode