Turning track visibility on or off – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1222

To turn clip enabling on or off for a clip (or other item) in the Timeline
Select the clip in the Timeline.
Choose Modify > Clip Enable.
You can also use the Solo Clip command to disable the items in the tracks above and
below a selected clip so that it's isolated. In other words, you can exclude from playback
any clips that overlap the solo clip. When you solo items in a rendered sequence, only
the duration of the items that overlap the soloed items require rerendering.
To solo a clip (or other item)
In the Timeline, select the clip or clips that you want to solo.
Choose Sequence > Solo Selected Items (or press Control-S).
To turn soloing off for selected clips
Select the soloed clips.
Choose Sequence > Solo Selected Items.
Turning Track Visibility On or Off
You can disable entire tracks to hide their contents during playback. The clips on a disabled
track are not visible or audible when you play the sequence.
When you disable a track, the duration of all clips in that track require rerendering.
To disable a track
Click the Track Visibility control for the track you want to disable.
Chapter 71
Compositing and Layering