Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1253

Usage information
• The random noise can be
adjusted to appear in varying
levels across every channel of
the clip, including the alpha,
red, green, and blue channels,
using the appropriate slider
• You can animate the noise
with the Random checkbox
and create color static with
the Color checkbox.
• A Noise generator, when
superimposed over a video
image with a very low opacity
level, can be used to simulate
gain, similar to a film image
or clip shot with a video
camera whose gain is turned
all the way up.
• You can adjust the Center
options to set the location of
the lens flare.
• You can adjust the Size slider
to set how large the shapes
• You can set different colors
for four different aspects of
the flare.
• The Streak sliders let you you
set the number and
characteristics of the streaks
in the flare.
• The Ring controls allow you
to specify the characteristics
of the rings seen in the flare.
Reproduces the look of a lens
flare of light hitting a camera
lens. By adjusting its controls,
you can create the effect of a
lens flare in a specific location
and with different intensities and
Lens Flare (From the Generator
pop-up menu, choose Render >
Lens Flare.)
One of the more graphical
generators in Final Cut Pro. The
Particle Noise generator, unlike
the Noise generator, creates
random patterns of different
shapes. By adjusting its controls,
you can create all kinds of
Particle Noise (From the
Generator popup menu, choose
Render > Particle Noise.)
Chapter 73
Using Generator Clips