Creating 24 @ 25 sequences and easy setups, Synchronizing clips with the cinema tools database – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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Creating 24 @ 25 Sequences and Easy Setups
To properly edit 24 @ 25 clips, you need to create a sequence with an editing timebase
of 24 fps and set the timecode rate of this sequence to the special 24 @ 25 option. This
option displays 25 fps timecode in your sequence as though you were editing PAL video,
but the sequence plays back at 24 fps.
There are two sequence presets designed for 24 fps PAL video:
• DV PAL 48 kHz - 24 @ 25: This preset uses a 24 fps editing timebase and 25 fps timecode.
When you export an EDL from a sequence with this sequence preset, 25 fps timecode
values are used. This method is more common and should be used when you intend
to export a 25 fps EDL for the negative cutter, instead of a cut list.
• DV PAL 48 kHz - 2: This preset does not support 24 @ 25 editing. Instead, both the
editing timebase and the sequence timecode are 24 fps. This method should only be
used when you intend to export a cut list from your 24 fps PAL project.
You can use the DV PAL 24 @ 25 Easy Setup included with Final Cut Pro, or you can create
your own 24 @ 25 sequence preset if you are working with a format other than DV.
Synchronizing Clips with the Cinema Tools Database
When you import a telecine log file into your Final Cut Pro project, a new Cinema Tools
database is created with a record for each clip. You can also add new records to an existing
database manually. In either case, once you have captured and processed clips in
Final Cut Pro, you can connect them to a Cinema Tools database using the Synchronize
with Cinema Tools command.
You can use the Synchronize with Cinema Tools command to do the following:
• Connect clips to a Cinema Tools database: Cinema Tools will automatically connect any
correctly named clip (whose name matches the scene and take entries) with its record,
as long as the record is not already connected to a clip.
• Update the film-related information that appears in Final Cut Pro: You cannot change the
film-related information, such as key numbers or telecine film speed (TK speed), in
Final Cut Pro—these changes must be made in Cinema Tools. If you change any records
in Cinema Tools, you can use the Synchronize with Cinema Tools command to update
the information in Final Cut Pro to reflect those changes.
Note: Final Cut Pro can display film-related metadata in a variety of ways, including as
columns in the Browser and as keycode and ink number values in the Viewer and
Canvas. For more information, see the Cinema Tools User Manual, available in
Cinema Tools Help.
To synchronize Final Cut Pro clips with a Cinema Tools database
Select the clips in the Final Cut Pro Browser that you want to synchronize with a
Cinema Tools database.
Chapter 99
Working with Film and Cinema Tools