Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1146

Note: The Change Speed dialog affects the speed for an entire clip. The Change Speed
Segment dialog affects the speed for a single speed segment, a section of a clip between
speed keyframes.
Duration field
Original field
Rate field
Reverse checkbox
Start and End buttons
Ripple Sequence checkbox
Scale Attributes checkbox
Frame Blending checkbox
• Duration: Use the Duration field to enter a new duration for the selected clip. The clip
speed (in the Rate field) will be adjusted accordingly. For more information on the
relationship between clip duration and clip speed, see
If multiple clips
are selected, the new duration will be the duration of the first selected clip.
• Original: This read-only text field displays the current duration (before you make any
speed/duration changes).
• Rate: Use this field to enter a speed percentage for a clip or a speed segment. A value
of 100% indicates no change; in other words, the clip remains at its default speed.
Values under 100% create slow motion. Values over 100% create fast motion.
Tip: If you are using a Change Speed dialog to adjust a clip to a specific duration, use
the Duration field rather than the Rate field to maximize precision.
• Reverse checkbox: Select this checkbox to make the clip or speed segment play in
reverse, using any speed specified by the above controls. When you do this, the numbers
in the Rate field are displayed in red, to further warn you that the clip will play in reverse.
Note: Alternatively, you can enter a negative value in the Rate field to make the clip
or speed segment play in reverse. If you do this, the next time you open the Change
Speed dialog, the Reverse checkbox will be automatically selected and the value in the
Rate field will be positive rather than negative.
Chapter 69
Changing Clip Speed