Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1979

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ripple edit An edit in which the start and end times of a range of clips on a track are
adjusted when the duration of an earlier clip is altered.

roll edit An edit that affects two clips that share an edit point. For example, if Clip A cuts
to Clip B, a roll edit simultaneously adjusts the Out point of Clip A and the In point of Clip
B by the same amount. The overall duration of the sequence stays the same.

room tone The low level of background noise that exists in any recording. In order to
edit out unwanted sections of audio without creating obvious gaps of silence, it’s common
practice to record a certain amount of extra room tone during a shoot. You can edit in
the room tone whenever you need to cover a gap that was cut in the location audio.

rotation In the Motion tab of the Viewer, the rotation value determines how many times
a clip circles around its center axis, without changing shape.

rotoscoping The process of manipulating or painting on individual frames. Usually used
to describe the act of tracing, frame by frame, a foreground element to be isolated from
the background of the frame.

rough edit The first editing pass. The rough cut is an early version of a movie that pulls
together its basic elements. Often, a rough edit is performed prior to adding transitions,
filters, and other effects.

ruler (1) The measurement bar along the top of the Timeline, which represents the total
duration of an edited sequence. Also displays the timecode corresponding to the location
of clips in the Timeline. You can move the playhead in the ruler in order to navigate
through clips in a sequence. (2) In the Transition Editor, a ruler displays a close-up view
of the frames surrounding the transition in the sequence. (3) In the Audio tab of the
Viewer, a ruler above the waveform display area shows the range of the currently displayed

sampling The process of measuring an analog signal and converting it to a digital value.
For example, the sample rate of an audio stream specifies how many samples are captured.
Higher sample rates yield higher-quality audio.

SAN (storage area network) A network that connects computer systems to a shared
storage area. The shared storage is typically a group of disk arrays (RAIDs) grouped together
and managed via software (such as Xsan).

saturation A measurement of chroma, or the intensity of color in the video signal.

scale In the Motion tab of the Viewer, an adjustable value that changes the overall size
of a clip. The proportion of the image may or may not be maintained.

scene A series of shots that take place at the same time in the same location. A series of
scenes make up a program.

