Pull-down, Insertion, Pull-down insertion – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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phase (1) In audio, the timing relationship between two identical, or similar, audio signals.
(2) In video, the timing relationship between the composite video chroma signal and the
chroma subcarrier signal that determines the hue.

PICT A still-image file format developed by Apple. PICT files can contain both vector
images and bitmapped images, as well as text and an alpha channel. PICT is a common
image format on Mac OS X computers.

pixel One dot in a video or still image. A typical medium-resolution computer screen is
1024 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. Digital video movies for the web are often 320
pixels wide and 240 pixels high.

pixel aspect ratio The width-to-height ratio for the pixels that compose an image. Pixels
on computer screens and in high definition video signals are square (1:1 ratio). Pixels in
standard definition digital video signals are non-square.

playhead A navigational element in the Viewer and Canvas scrubber bar and in the
Timeline. It corresponds to the frame displayed in the Canvas and the Viewer. You drag
the playhead to navigate through a sequence.

post-production The phase of film or video editing in which all of the production elements
are organized, assembled, and output for the distribution phase.

preset A saved group of settings, such as capture, device control, and sequence settings.
Presets determine properties such as frame rate, editing timebase, and capture interfaces.
Presets are usually defined for particular video formats and workflows and can be grouped
together into Easy Setups.

Print to Video A command in Final Cut Pro that lets you send clips or sequences to your
video or audio outputs for recording on tape.

proc amp Short for processing amplifier. A specific piece of equipment that allows you
to adjust video levels on output.

program The movie you may create in Final Cut Pro. May consist of multiple sequences
or one or more clips.

project In Final Cut Pro, the file that holds all of the elements of your movie, such as clips,
bins, and sequences. Media files are stored separately from a project file.

proxy Short for approximation. A proxy is a low-quality substitute for a real-time or
rendered effect. Final Cut Pro may generate a proxy instead of a full-quality effect to
enable real-time playback when processor-intensive effects are used.

pull-down insertion The process of adding fields and frames to convert 23.98 or 24 fps
video to NTSC or PAL video (29.97 or 25 fps, respectively).

