Exporting a film list – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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How Cinema Tools Relates Final Cut Pro Sequence Clips to Database

When you are creating a film list from Final Cut Pro, Cinema Tools has two methods to
relate each clip to records in a database.

Clip name matching: The first thing Cinema Tools tries to do is match the clip name

used in a Final Cut Pro sequence to a clip name in the corresponding Cinema Tools
database. If a match is found, the clip in the database is used to supply information to
the film list. If a matching database record cannot be found based on clip name,
Cinema Tools switches to the timecode-based matching method.

Timecode matching: If clip name matching fails, Cinema Tools tries to match a sequence

clip’s video reel number and timecode with a record in the Cinema Tools database. If
this method fails, a missing element note is made in the cut list.

This means you can get accurate film lists whether or not you connect the clips to the
Cinema Tools database. If you don’t connect clips to the database, however, you must
use care to not alter the clip’s timecode and make sure the video reel number is exactly
the same as is in the database.

Exporting a Film List

Following are the steps used to export a film list. See the Cinema Tools User Manual,
available in Cinema Tools Help, for more details and explanations of the settings in the
Export Film Lists and Export XML Film Lists dialogs.

To export a film list file


In the Final Cut Pro Browser or Timeline, select the sequence for which you want to create
a list.


Do one of the following:

To export a PDF-format film list file: Choose File > Export > Cinema Tools Film Lists.


Chapter 99

Working with Film and Cinema Tools