Selecting edits and clips to trim, Tools for selecting edit points, Using the command key to “gear down – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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Linked items on locked tracks aren’t affected when you move other linked clip items. For
example, if you select a video item to trim that’s linked to an audio item in a locked track,
moving the video item does not move the audio item, so they become out of sync.
For more information, see
“Locking Tracks to Prevent Edits or Changes.”
For information
about synchronizing clip items, see
“Linking and Editing Video and Audio in Sync”
“Tips for Edits Made with the Ripple Tool.”
Using the Command Key to “Gear Down”
The Command key is useful if you want to make very small changes to edit points or clips
in your sequence. When you drag clips or edit points to perform trimming operations,
the ratio between the motion of your mouse and the motion of the item you’re changing
is determined by the zoom level of the Viewer, Canvas, or Timeline. If you have trouble
trimming to a specific frame because you’re zoomed out too far, you can force this motion
to be a more precise one-to-one ratio (regardless of your zoom level) by pressing the
Command key after you start dragging.
For example, holding down the Command key after you start dragging an edit point with
the Roll tool makes the edit point move much more slowly as you drag.
Selecting Edits and Clips to Trim
Regardless of where you actually trim your clips, you almost always select the edit points
in the Timeline. Selecting an edit point is a lot like selecting an entire clip, except that
you are only selecting a clip’s In point or Out point, or the Out point and In point of two
adjacent clips. If linked selection is turned on, any edit points or clips that are linked to
the one you select are selected as well.
Tools for Selecting Edit Points
There are two tools in the Tool palette that can be used to select edit points in the
Timeline—the Selection tool and the Edit Selection tool.
Chapter 45
Learning About Trimming Clips