Computer – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1592

Note: Selecting “Include master clips outside selection” and “Include affiliate clips outside
selection” creates master clips that preserve the most media for recapturing. During rough
editing, you generally want to retain the largest possible media files, so it’s a good idea
to keep these options selected. If you are creating sequences for final editing or capturing
at high resolution, you may want to deselect these options.
Example: Recompressing Media Files for Editing on a Portable
If you need to fit a lot of media files on a relatively small hard disk, such as a portable
computer hard disk, you can recompress all your media files. This is the phase of the
offline/online workflow when you create the low-resolution, offline-quality media files
for rough editing.
This example uses the OfflineRT sequence preset, which uses the Photo JPEG codec.
Note: The Recompress option may fail with clips using codecs that rely upon temporal
compression, such as Sorenson and Cinepak. To recompress files in these codecs, you
may want to use the Batch Export feature instead.
To recompress media files for an entire project for editing on a portable computer
In the Browser, select all items in the project.
Press Command-A or
use the Selection tool
to select everything in
your project.
Chapter 94
Examples of How to Use the Media Manager