Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1971

linear editing A video editing style in which a program is edited together by copying
shots from the original source tapes to a master tape, one by one. Because the assembly
is linear, any changes in duration made to an earlier point of the tape require reassembling
the movie from that point forward. See also
link To connect video and audio clip items in the Timeline so that when one item is
selected, moved, or trimmed, all other items linked to it are affected.
linked clip A clip item that is connected to one or more other clip items, so that when
you select it you also select the associated clips. You link clip items to keep them in sync
with one another.
linked selection An option in the Timeline that, when turned on, selects all clip items
linked to the item you select. When linked selection is turned off, linked items are not
selected and edited as if they are linked, but the items remain linked together.
Linked Selection button A button in the upper-right corner of the Timeline that turns
the linked selection option on and off.
link indicators In the Timeline, lines under clip names that indicate that the clips are
locked track A track whose contents cannot be moved or changed. In the Timeline, a
locked track is distinguished by crosshatched lines across the track. You can lock or unlock
tracks at any time by clicking the Lock Track control in the Timeline.
Lock Track control The lock icon, near the beginning of tracks in the Timeline, that you
click to lock and unlock tracks. See also
log and capture In Final Cut Pro, the process of logging the clips you want to capture
and then using device control to automatically capture them in the Log and Capture
Log and Capture window In Final Cut Pro, the window used to log tape-based media
and capture it for editing.
Log and Transfer window In Final Cut Pro, the window used to log file-based media and
transfer it to your editing system.
logging The process of entering detailed information about the clips that you want to
use from your source media, in preparation for ingest.
logging bin In Final Cut Pro, the specified bin where all clips that are logged or ingested
using the Log and Capture window or the Log and Transfer window are stored.