Rgb limit filter controls, How the rgb limit filter works – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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RGB Limit Filter Controls
The following section describes the controls in the RGB Limit filter.
Minimum RGB Limiting
Maximum RGB Limiting
Maximum RGB Reduction
Minimum RGB Limiting Controls
• Enable: Select or deselect the checkbox to turn on or turn off RGB clamping below the
Clamp Levels Below parameter value.
• Clamp Levels Below: Set a value to define the minimum allowable RGB levels. RGB levels
below this parameter value are clamped to this value.
Maximum RGB Limiting Controls
• Enable: Select or deselect the checkbox to turn on or turn off RGB clamping above the
Clamp Levels Above parameter value.
• Clamp Levels Above: Set a value to define the maximum allowable RGB levels. RGB levels
above this parameter value are clamped to this value. For example, if your image has
RGB-equivalent levels of 115 percent, 110 percent, and 105 percent, and you set this
slider to 105 percent, the RGB levels are set to 105 percent, 105 percent, and 105 percent.
Maximum RGB Reduction Controls
• Enable: Select or deselect the checkbox to turn on or turn off chroma desaturation,
luma reduction, or both, if necessary.
• Desaturate or Darken Levels Above: Applies chroma desaturation, luma reduction, or
both, to bring RGB levels down to the value set here.
How the RGB Limit Filter Works
The RGB Limit filter processes your video in 32-bit floating-point RGB color space and
then outputs the native color space of your footage (either RGB or Y
). The high
precision of this color space minimizes quality loss in your video during processing.
Chapter 78
Measuring and Setting Video Levels