Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1984

background image

S-Video A high-quality video signal for high-end consumer video equipment. The image
looks sharper and has better color than composite video because S-Video sends the color
and brightness information separately, keeping the signals cleaner. Most low-cost
analog-to-digital video interfaces use S-Video as their highest-quality video signal. Also
known as Y/C.

swap edit See

shuffle edit


sweetening The process of creating a high-quality sound mix by polishing sound levels,
rerecording bad sections of dialogue, and recording and adding narration, music, and
sound effects.

sync The relationship between the image of a sound being made in a video clip (for
example, a person talking) and the corresponding sound in an audio clip. Maintaining
audio sync is critical when editing dialogue.

tabs In Final Cut Pro, tabs delineate projects in the Browser, sequences in the Canvas and
Timeline, and functions within the Viewer. You click a tab to open a project or go to a
specified function window, such as Video, Audio, Filters, or Motion. Tabs can also be
dragged out of the main window to create a separate window.

tail clip The last clip in a sequence, or the clip on the rightmost side when looking at an
edit point between two clips.

tape-to-tape editing suite An editing facility that uses automated switching equipment
to assemble a finished program from the original source tapes using the instructions
contained in an EDL.

TARGA An uncompressed image file format that stores images with millions of colors
plus an alpha channel. TARGA files are supported by nearly every platform and media

telecine A machine that converts the images on film negatives to a videotape format. A
telecine is necessary if you shot your project on film and you want to edit it on video.

three-point editing An editing technique in which three out of four In and Out points
are set in a Browser clip and a sequence. When the edit is performed, the fourth edit
point is calculated automatically by Final Cut Pro.

thumbnail A tiny picture representing a clip. In Final Cut Pro, the thumbnail is, by default,
the first frame of a clip. You can change the frame, known as the poster frame, used as
that clip’s thumbnail by using the Scrub tool.

