Zooming in to the keyframe graph area, Zooming in to the, Keyframe graph area – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1105

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When the pointer turns into a Resize pointer, drag to resize the parameter display height.
Drag up to make the parameter display height shorter, or drag down to make it taller.

Drag up to make the
parameter display
height shorter.

Drag down to make
the parameter display
height taller.

To adjust the width of the keyframe graph area


Drag the lower-right corner of the Viewer to the right to adjust its width.

To temporarily work with the Motion or Filters tab in the Timeline


Drag the Motion or Filters tab from the Viewer to the Timeline.

The tab is now a tab within the Timeline.


When you’ve finished making adjustments, do one of the following:

• Control-click the tab, then choose Close Tab from the shortcut menu.

• Drag the tab back to the Viewer.

The tab reappears in the Viewer.

Zooming In to the Keyframe Graph Area

For a more detailed view of the keyframes you’re setting and adjusting, you can zoom in
to and out of the keyframe graph area in the Motion and Filters tabs in the Viewer.


Chapter 67

Adjusting Parameters for Keyframed Effects