The fundamentals of adding clips to a sequence, Creating a rough edit, Basic steps involved in a rough edit – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 445

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This chapter covers the following:

Creating a Rough Edit

(p. 445)

Overview of Ways to Add Clips to a Sequence

(p. 448)

Preparing a Sequence Order in the Browser

(p. 450)

Once your clips are captured and organized to your satisfaction in the Browser, you can
begin moving your content into a sequence.

Creating a Rough Edit

During the rough editing phase of your project, the overarching structure of your movie
begins to take shape. A rough edit is like an outline of your finished movie, and many
details remain to be worked out. At this point, you arrange, copy, delete, and work with
large groups of clips at once. You may even be missing footage still, but you can use
placeholder clips, such as slug or text, to note areas that need work.

Basic Steps Involved in a Rough Edit

Basic rough assembly and editing involves the following steps.

Stage 1:

Adding Clips to the Sequence

Final Cut Pro allows you to add clips to your sequence in several ways. The simplest
method is to select clips in the Browser or Viewer and drag them to the Timeline. You
can also add clips to a sequence in a more precise way, setting In and Out points in both
your source clip and destination sequence, and then dragging the clip to the Canvas.
This is called three-point editing.

Stage 2:

Arranging Clips

This is where you assemble the clips in the Timeline into the order you want by selecting,
moving, copying, cutting, pasting, and deleting.

Stage 3:

Making Rough Adjustments to Clips in the Timeline

In the process of assembling the rough edit, you typically find you want to change the
duration of some clips, trim the heads or tails of some clips, or divide clips into smaller
pieces and reposition them.


The Fundamentals of Adding Clips
to a Sequence