Working with projects, Working with multiple projects in the browser, Viewing and changing the properties of a project – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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Working with Projects

Before you can even capture media, import clips into your project, and edit the clips into
one or more sequences, you need a project in which to do all of this.

Note: Creating, opening, and closing projects is described in

“Understanding Projects,

Clips, and Sequences.”

Working with Multiple Projects in the Browser

You can have multiple projects open in Final Cut Pro at the same time. Each project opens
in a separate tab in the Browser.

Choosing Whether the Last Previously Opened Project Opens on Launch

By default, Final Cut Pro opens the last previously open project file (or files) when opened.
You can select whether Final Cut Pro opens with the last open project or an empty project.

To start with a default, empty project instead of the last previously open project file


Choose Final Cut Pro > User Preferences, then click the General tab.


Deselect the “Open last project on application launch” checkbox.

For more information, see

“Choosing Settings and Preferences.”

Viewing and Changing the Properties of a Project

Each project has a set of properties, including global timecode display options, custom
Master Comment column names, and marker color label/visibility settings. You can change
these properties at any time.

To view or change the properties of a project


Click the project’s tab in the Browser, then choose Edit > Project Properties.


Chapter 30

Working with Projects, Clips, and Sequences