Freescale Semiconductor MCF5480 User Manual
Page 405

Functional Description
MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3
Freescale Semiconductor
(PPDSDR_x) to monitor and control the state of its pins. Data written to a PODR_x register is stored and
then driven to the corresponding port x pins configured as outputs.
Reading a PODR_x register returns the current state of the register regardless of the state of the
corresponding pins. Reading a PPDSDR_x register returns the current state of the corresponding pins
when configured as general purpose I/O, regardless of whether the pins are inputs or outputs.
Every GPIO port has a PPDSDR_x register and a clear register (PCLRR_x) for setting or clearing
individual bits in the PODR_x register.
The MCF548x GPIO module does not generate interrupt requests.