5 background debug mode (bdm), 1 cpu halt, Background debug mode (bdm) -28 – Freescale Semiconductor MCF5480 User Manual

Page 278: Cpu halt -28, Full-duplex channel. see, Section 8.5, “background debug mode (bdm), Section 8.5.1, “cpu halt

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MCF548x Reference Manual, Rev. 3


Freescale Semiconductor

then if



Address1_breakpoint{&& Data1_breakpoint})



{&& Data1_breakpoint})

then if



Address_breakpoint{&& Data_breakpoint})

In this example, PC_breakpoint is the logical summation of the PBR/PBMR, PBR1, PBR2, and PBR3

breakpoint registers; Address_breakpoint is a function of ABHR, ABLR, and AATR; Data_breakpoint is

a function of DBR and DBMR; Address1_breakpoint is a function of ABHR1, ABLR1, and AATR1; and

Data1_breakpoint is a function of DBR1 and DBMR1. In all cases, the data breakpoints can be included

with an address breakpoint to further qualify a trigger event as an option.


Background Debug Mode (BDM)

The ColdFire Family implements a low-level system debugger in the microprocessor hardware.

Communication with the development system is handled through a dedicated, high-speed serial command

interface. The ColdFire architecture implements the BDM controller in a dedicated hardware module.

Although some BDM operations, such as CPU register accesses, require the CPU to be halted, all other

BDM commands, such as memory accesses, can be executed while the processor is running.
BDM is useful for the following reasons:

In-circuit emulation is not needed, so physical and electrical characteristics of the system are not


BDM is always available for debugging the system and provides a communication link for

upgrading firmware in existing systems.

Provides high-speed cache downloading (500 Kbytes/sec), especially useful for flash


Provides absolute control of the processor, and thus the system. This feature allows quick hardware

debugging with the same tool set used for firmware development.


CPU Halt

Although most BDM operations can occur in parallel with CPU operations, unrestricted BDM operation

requires the CPU to be halted. The sources that can cause the CPU to halt are listed below, in order of


1. A catastrophic fault-on-fault condition automatically halts the processor.
2. A hardware breakpoint can be configured to generate a pending halt condition similar to the

assertion of BKPT. This type of halt is always first made pending in the processor. Next, the
processor samples for pending halt and interrupt conditions once per instruction. When a pending
condition is asserted, the processor halts execution at the next sample point. See

Section 8.6.1,

“Theory of Operation


3. The execution of a HALT instruction immediately suspends execution. Attempting to execute

HALT in user mode while CSR[UHE] = 0 generates a privilege violation exception. If
CSR[UHE] = 1, HALT can be executed in user mode. After HALT executes, the processor can be
restarted by serial shifting a


command into the debug module. Execution continues at the

instruction after HALT.

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