Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 743

Adobe Illustrator files
Loads the web link into a new browser window.
Loads the web link into the parent frame of the frame in which the current file is playing.
Loads the web link into the current frame.
Loads the web link into the top frame in the current window.
Loads another SWF file into level 0. The current file typically plays at level 0; another file loaded into level 0 usually replaces the current
file. The URL must refer to another SWF file.
Loads another SWF file into level 1 if the URL refers to another SWF file.
Supported features for SWF format export
After Effects text layers are exported to SWF format as vector graphics. The following layer types and layer switches aren’t supported:
track mattes, 3D layers, 3D cameras, 3D lights, adjustment layers, shape layers, Preserve Transparency, Collapse Transformations, and motion
blur. The Fill Over Stroke character option and the Blur animator property aren’t supported, and only Normal blending mode is supported. Nested
compositions aren’t supported and are rasterized.
Only masks with Add mask mode or Difference mask mode are supported; multiple masks in a layer must use the same mask mode. If
Add mode is specified, partial opacity and the Inverted option are also supported. Mask feather is not supported. The result of overlapping masks
with Add mode and partial opacity may appear differently in the SWF file than in After Effects. (See Mask modes.)
Path Text, Audio Waveform, and Audio Spectrum are supported for output to SWF format.
All Path Text options are supported, except the following: Composite On Original, Fill Over Stroke, and Difference mode.
Lines drawn by the Audio Spectrum and Audio Waveform effects are converted to vectors. The following unsupported features are ignored:
Outside Color (only Inside Color is used), Softness, and Composite On Original. In addition, only uniformly thick lines are included in the SWF file.
For example, if you select the Use Polar Path option in Audio Spectrum, lines become thicker farther from the center in After Effects, but in the
SWF file the lines remain at the same thickness.
The waveforms may increase the SWF file size, so decrease the Displayed Samples value in the Audio Waveform effect or the Frequency Bands
value in the Audio Spectrum effect, or decrease the frame rate to make the SWF file smaller.
SWF files are always created at full resolution (size of composition); JPEG-compressed bitmap images are rendered at full resolution.
Only stroked paths and filled paths in CMYK or RGB color spaces are supported.
Layers that have Illustrator source files are converted to corresponding SWF items if the layer does not contain masks or have Collapse
Transformations enabled. Illustrator layers that contain masks or have Collapse Transformations enabled are rasterized. The SWF file maintains
the Illustrator crop marks. Artwork outside the crop marks is included in the SWF file even though it’s not visible, thereby increasing the file size.
The SWF export report lists information for unsupported features in Illustrator files for the first frame in which the Illustrator file is visible.
Unsupported features are ignored or rasterized (depending on whether you’ve selected Ignore or Rasterize Unsupported Features) on all frames in
which the footage is visible.
Render and export a composition as an FLV or F4V file
FLV and F4V files contain only pixel-based (rasterized) video, not vector graphics, and they aren’t interactive.
The FLV and F4V formats are container formats, each of which is associated with a set of video and audio formats. FLV files generally contain
video data that is encoded using the On2 VP6 video codec and audio data encoded using an MP3 audio codec. F4V files generally contain video
data that is encoded using an H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec.
After Effects CS4 and earlier also provided the option to encode video data in FLV files using the Sorenson Spark video codec.