Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 222

4. In the Timeline panel containing the destination layer, move the current-time indicator to the point in time where you want the keyframes to
5. Do one of the following:
To paste to the same property of the copied keyframes, select the destination layer.
To paste to a different property, select the destination property.
6. Choose Edit > Paste.
Edit keyframe values using a spreadsheet or text editor
You can copy and paste keyframe data as tab-delimited text for use in a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel) or other text-editing
program. You can use a spreadsheet program to perform numerical analysis on keyframe data or create or edit keyframe values.
You can copy and paste most properties, including the Transform properties (such as Position and Opacity), Material Options properties, and
motion trackers.
You can use the motion tracking tools to track the motion of an object in a layer, and then paste the tracker data into a spreadsheet to perform
numerical analysis on the data.
Some utility applications, such as Imagineer Systems mocha for After Effects (mocha-AE), copy keyframe data to the clipboard so that you can
paste it into the appropriate layer in After Effects.
You can copy keyframes from only one layer at a time as tab-delimited text.
1. In the Timeline panel, select keyframes for one or more properties on the same layer. To select all keyframes for a property, click the name
of the property.
2. Move the current-time indicator to the first selected keyframe.
Place a composition marker at the time of the first selected keyframe so that you will know where to paste the modified keyframes in the
last step. (See Layer markers and composition markers.)
3. With the keyframes selected, choose Edit > Copy.
4. Paste keyframe data into the spreadsheet. Assuming that the first column in the spreadsheet is labeled A and the first row is labeled 1, you
should paste into cell A1. Frame numbers appear in column B. Property values appear in columns C, D, and E, depending on the
dimensions of the property. (Position in a 3D layer has values in all three columns; Opacity has only a value in column C.)
5. Edit the numerical information for the keyframes. Do not change any text other than frame numbers and property values.
6. Select the cells that contain your data. The top-left cell in your selection should be A1. The bottom row of your selection should be the row
that contains the text End of Keyframe Data.
7. Copy the data from the spreadsheet.
8. In After Effects, move the current-time indicator to the time at which you want to paste the new keyframe data. This time is usually the time
of the first keyframe that you selected and copied at the beginning of this procedure.
9. Choose Edit > Paste.