Compositing fire, explosions, muzzle flashes, Compositing fog, smoke, and clouds – Adobe After Effects User Manual

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Compositing fire, explosions, muzzle flashes

Mark Christiansen provides tips and detailed techniques for creating and compositing fire, explosions, muzzle flashes, bullet hits, and energy blasts
in the “Pyrotechnics: Creating Fire, Explosions, and Energy Phenomena in After Effects” chapter of

After Effects Studio Techniques

on the

Peachpit Press website.

Compositing fog, smoke, and clouds

Mark Christiansen provides tips and detailed techniques for creating and compositing fog, smoke, mist, rain, and snow in the “Climate: Air, Water,
Smoke, Clouds in After Effects” chapter of

After Effects Studio Techniques

on the Peachpit Press website.

Daniel Broadway provides tips for compositing fog or mist into a scene on

his website



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