Color stabilizer effect colorama effect, Color stabilizer effect, Colorama effect – Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 621

Source Layer
Stencil Original Alpha
Blending Mode
Set Frame
Black Point
Mid Point
White Point
Sample Size
The layer from which to sample colors. If you choose None, the layer to which the effect is applied is used as the source layer,
taking into account any masks and other effects applied to the layer. If you choose the name of the layer from the menu, the source layer without
masks and effects is used.
Specifies what values are sampled and what operation is performed on them.
The percentage of pixels to ignore at the extreme channel values. This clipping is useful for reducing the influence of noise or other
nonrepresentative pixels.
The effect places a stencil of the original alpha channel of the layer over the new value.
The opacity of the effect. The result of the effect is blended with the original image, with the effect result composited on top. The lower
you set this value, the less the effect affects the layer. For example, if you set this value to 0%, the effect has no visible result on the layer; if you
set this value to 100%, the original image doesn’t show through.
The blending mode to use to combine the effect result with the original layer. These blending modes aren’t available when
averaging alpha channel values in the layer.
Color Stabilizer effect
The Color Stabilizer effect samples the color values of a single reference frame, or pivot frame, at one, two, or three points; it then adjusts the
colors of other frames so that the color values of those points remain constant throughout the duration of the layer. This effect is useful for
removing flicker from footage and equalizing the exposure of footage with color shifts caused by varying lighting situations.
Tip: Use this effect to remove the flicker common to time-lapse photography and stop-frame animation.
You can animate the effect control points that define the sample areas to track objects for which you want to stabilize colors. The greater the
difference in color values between the sample points, the better the effect works.
This effect works with 8-bpc and 16-bpc color.
Sets the pivot frame. Display the frame that has the area of brightness or color that you want to match, and click Set Frame.
What to stabilize:
Brightness is stabilized using one sample point (Black Point).
Color is stabilized using two sample points (Black Point and White Point).
Color is stabilized using all three sample points (Black Point, White Point, and Mid Point).
Place this point on a dark area to stabilize.
Place this point on a midtone area to stabilize.
Place this point on a bright area to stabilize.
Radius, in pixels, of sampled areas.
Colorama effect
The Colorama effect is a versatile and powerful effect for converting and animating colors in an image. Using the Colorama effect, you can subtly