Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 613
Turbulence Factor
Random Seed
Blending Mode
You can specify how much the noise evolves over a period of time by animating Evolution. The more revolutions within a given amount of time, the
more rapidly the noise changes. Large changes in the Evolution value over a short period of time may result in flashing.
Evolution Options
The amount by which the speed of smaller noise features differs from the speed of larger noise features. A value of 0
makes the movement of the noise resemble the noise generated by the Fractal Noise effect, in which smaller noise features move at the
same speed as larger noise features. A larger value makes the multiple layers of noise appear to roil in a manner more like that of natural
turbulence in a fluid.
Sets a random value from which to generate the noise. Animating the Random Seed property results in flashing from one
set of noise to another (within that fractal type), which is usually not the result that you want. For smooth animation of noise, animate the
Evolution property.
You can easily create new noise animations by reusing previously created Evolution cycles and changing only the Random Seed value. Using a
new Random Seed value alters the noise pattern without disturbing the Evolution animation.
The opacity of the noise.
The blending operation between the noise and the original image. These blending modes are identical to the ones in the Modes
column in the Timeline panel, with the following exceptions:
For a description of each blending mode, see Blending mode reference.
Renders the fractal noise only and does not composite on the original layer.
Renders the fractal noise as hue values instead of grayscale. The Saturation and Lightness of the original layer are maintained. If the
original layer is grayscale, nothing happens.
Renders the fractal noise as saturation values instead of grayscale. The Hue and Lightness of the original layer are
maintained. If the original layer is grayscale, nothing happens.