Move a text layer, Convert point or paragraph text, Change the direction of text – Adobe After Effects User Manual
Page 353

2. Position the pointer over a handle—the pointer turns into a double arrow
—and do one of the following:
Drag to resize in one direction.
Shift-drag to maintain the proportion of the bounding box.
Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) to scale from the center.
Move a text layer
You can drag with the move pointer
in the Composition panel to move a text layer. To activate the move pointer without leaving text editing
mode, move the type tool away from the text in the Composition panel; when you see the move pointer
, drag to move the text. You can also
hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac OS) key to momentarily activate the move pointer.
Convert point or paragraph text
When you convert paragraph text to point text, all characters outside the bounding box are deleted. To avoid losing text, resize the
bounding box so that all text is visible before conversion.
1. Using the Selection tool , select the text layer.
You can’t convert the text layer if it’s in text-editing mode.
2. Using a type tool, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac OS) anywhere in the Composition panel, and choose Convert To Paragraph
Text or Convert To Point Text.
When you convert from paragraph text to point text, a carriage return is added at the end of each line of text, except the last line.
To display the bounding box of paragraph text and automatically select a type tool, double-click the text layer in the Timeline panel.
Change the direction of text
Horizontal text flows from left to right; multiple lines of horizontal text lie from top to bottom. Vertical text flows from top to bottom; multiple lines of
text lie from right to left.